State : Variables with state

  • Notes

    State Variables

    state variables trigger a re-render of the component whenever their value changes.

    1. Normal variable does not update the DOM whenever the value of that variable is changed in the component after UI rendering

    2. But state variable automatically update the DOM whenever the value is changed in the the component after UI rendering

    1. Initialize state
                 const [<variableName>, <setvariableName>] = useState(<initialValue>);
                 const [amount, setAmount] = useState(100);

    The first value, variableName, is our current state. It is used to read the data

    The second value, setvariableName, is the function that is used to update the state. Note that the keyword 'set' is prepended to the variable to create state function

    variableName is used to set the initial value

    useState is used to declare the state variable

    2. Read State
    3. Update State

    Usage of state variable

    State variables are normally used when fetching API data

    Normal variable with UI

                 'use client'
                import React from 'react';
                export default function Home() {              
                  var likeS=1;
                  const handleClick = () => {
                  return (
                    <div className='App'>
                      <h1>Hello React.</h1>
                      <h2>Start editing to see some magic happen! </h2>
                      <button onClick={handleClick}>Like {likeS} </button>
    Like button is clicked after the rendering of the UI. So the value changed in the variable 'likeS' will not update the DOM

    State variable with UI

                'use client'
                import React from 'react';
                import { useState } from "react";
                export default function Home() {              
                var likeS=1;
                const [likeD, setLikeD] = useState(1);
                const handleClick = () => {
                const handleClickState = () => {
                  setLikeD(likeD + 1);      
                    return (
                      <div className='App'>
                        <h1>Hello React.</h1>
                        <h2>Start editing to see some magic happen! </h2>
                        <button onClick={handleClick}>Like {likeS} </button>
                        <button onClick={handleClickState}>Like {likeD} </button>
    Import useState

    1. At the top of the component, import the useState Hook.

               import { useState } from "react";
    Initialize useState
              const [likeD, setLikeD] = useState(1);
    Read State
    Update State
              setLikeD(likeD + 1); 
  • Multiple state variables
                  const [brand, setBrand] = useState("Ford");
                  const [model, setModel] = useState("Mustang");
                  const [year, setYear] = useState("1964");
                  const [color, setColor] = useState("red");